Friday 15 May 2009

Taking Schnee out for a spin

Things could be moved around last night, and Schnee got to do some raiding at last!

We weren't really at our best like this and one of the dps shamans had to switch to resto, which can be a bit unsettling I guess. And we were one dpser down as it was so we only cleared Arachnid.
I'm hoping that our follow-up on tuesday will have some people attending so that I can continue testing what dps I have now.

For now, I think Cleave was a success. But I have gotten some new heroic and pvp gear since last time, so I can't tell for sure yet.

To be continued...



  1. Hmm, too bad about your raid. Hope it'll be better next time.

    And yes, I have long claimed that Cleave is the road to ascension. To what, I'm not quite sure yet. Let me know how it turns out, though, I'm rather curious.

  2. Did some sustained heroics last night and it seems very nice indeed. I do take aggro way too much though, but I'm still going on the principle that the enemy should die before I do!
