They are the powerful last touches to our fury warrior, and should be carefully combined with talents to really shine.
There is one major glyph that is the bread and butter for us, namely the Glyph of Whirlwind. Must have in my book.
Next, we can either choose between Glyph of Cleaving and Glyph of Heroic Strike (depending on which of the two you use as your rage dump, and hopefully have specced your talents for) or take both if you want to split hairs and for example use Cleave on trash and HS on bosses *shrug*.
Since I do some PvP as well, i prefer to have Cleave for PvE purposes, and throw in Glyph of Execution to help me nuke healer classes (including Death Knights) before they can get back on their feet in PvP.
Now, the Minor Glyphs...
These are helpers, making your life a touch easier so that you can focus less on certain little irritating aspects and more on what you're actually doing.
Glyph of Bloodrage is a no-brainer really (less focus on what your health is doing all the time), and who can say no to Glyph of Battle? (less checking your buffs and wasting rage on renewing it). I like to add in Glyph of Enduring Victory after that, since it helps you tweak your damage output, even when there is some travel time and/or wait between battles.
Not much else to say, there aren't that many minor glyphs to choose from for a us after all.
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