Monday, 11 May 2009

Fury Top Ten ---> 9 <---

Boosters! Helpers! Winbuttons!

All those little things that sometimes are overlooked, but you need to familiarize yourself with them all.

All warriors know about Bloodrage of course. Hammer that button! (doesn't activate global cooldown (gcd) you see...)
Depending on you talent spec, Berserker rage is either very handy, or totally awesome. If you suspect that you'll get feared, save it, otherwise use it if you've got a gcd to spare.
I love Death Wish, but these days I'm so geared that I basically only use it in raids (which is the only time my enemies live long enough for this to be effective ;) ).
Bloodsurge when it procs, Recklessness if you're not worried about HP, Enraged Regeneration if you are worried, Victory Rush is free candy , and trinkets with a "Use: " effect should of course be rubbed vigorously!
If you want to save space on your action bar, do what I do and use macros. The simplest one looks like this:

/use [Trinket1 name]
/use [Trinket2 name]

Nothing complicated, it tries to activate whatever trinket on you that's isn't on cooldown. If you really want to save space, you could also add

/cast Death Wish

but I prefer to be in control when it comes to Death Wish.


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